Meet Jackie - Astrologist and Sound Healer

Meet Jackie - Astrologist and Sound Healer

Learn all about Jackie below!

How long have you been practicing?

I've been practicing holistic healing modalities for 10 years.

Why do you do what you do? What is your passion/motivation?

My passion is to teach personal power, self esteem, and integrity for the purpose of creating a fulfilling and joyful life. I love to create safe spaces for people to gain insight, wisdom and deeper understanding about themselves and the world. The deeper we know ourselves, the greater capacity we have to consciously create our lives, access joy and empowerment and connect with authentic fulfillment.

How would you describe your specialty?

I specialize in empowering others through several different modalities;

I am a teacher offering insight and wisdom that inspires clarity and empowerment through Astrology Readings and Workshops. I hold space for the expansion of others by hosting group Sound and Guided Meditations. I facilitate Reiki Energy Healing Sessions for clients to rest their nervous system so that they can do what they were designed to do, heal their mind, body and soul.

Where did you begin?

I began over 20 years ago with a deep longing for something more. Life did not feel satisfying to me, I always felt there was something missing and I didn't live from a state of inner peace. I began to seek and explore ways to connect to my spirituality. I explored many different world views and embarked on a journey of facing my deepest fears and understanding my traumas, which led me to individuation, a process of uncovering my most authentic self.

What training/certifications/education/experience do you bring to your practice?

My greatest experience is my life lived on a daily basis. I don't just talk about ideals or ideas, I live them. People can know alot, say all the right things and look the part, but the real test of integrity is in the life you live in the smallest, most seemingly insignificant moments. This is the most challenging experience one will ever face, how you do feel, respond and experience life when you are all alone?

Who is your typical client/patient?

I attract those who have an inner desire, drive and calling to expand, grow, learn and follow their deepest inner truth. I attract people who want to embody their authentic self and have a inner knowing that there is something more they want to connect too, and they are ready to begin to take the next step toward their own discovery.

Where are you located?

I'm located in Phoenix, AZ

What is your contact/social media info?


What one piece of advice would you give my readers?

Every single moment of your life is important.

What are your hobbies?

I am a seeker of spirituality, all things related to the mind, body, soul connection. I love creating art in many different forms, poetry, painting, teaching, dancing. I love to spend time on self care such as hiking, forest bathing, doing yoga, working out & eating foods that nourish my body. I am always learning and love to listen to anything that expands my mind.

You have a special Sound Healing event coming up, tell us about it.

Tell us about sound healing :

Sound Healing is a technique that uses the vibrations of energetically tuned instruments to relax the nervous system so that the emotional, mental and physical body can energetically heal and align. Sound Healing Therapy provides a cleansing of the energetic field and can bring inner peace, relieving anxiety and stress; creating an environment for healing on every level.

Tell us about what this class will be like and what they can expect:

This class is an hour and a half. We begin the class by introducing ourselves. I will share on a topic and then provide some journaling prompts to inspire you to connect to yourself and begin going inward for your own experience with sound. Then I will guide you into a meditative state as I offer the Sound experience. Afterward, you will have time to write down anything that came up for you during the meditation and if you are comfortable, share your experience with the other participants.

Who sound healing is good for :

Sound Healing is a powerful experience for everyone! Our culture operates under a constant state of stress, to do lists and rushing around. Sound supports our mind, body and soul to enter into a state of deep rest which restores our nervous system so that our body can do what it is designed to do, heal. The Sound works on an energetic level, recalibrating the energy field and the cells in the physical body.

Join us on Jan 19th at 6pm for an intimate Sound Healing event.

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